Did I do the right thing?

My best friend found her step dad dead along with her mother and sister. They moved to another city. I did my best to help her cope. I would go visit her. As the months went by, her mom, sister, and her all started to do drugs together. She dropped out of school. She became a prostitute. She has a pimp, and she is 17. I am 19. She wasn't like this before she found her step dad dead. She was always mean, but I could handle it. I tried to talk some sense into her. She'd never listen. What drove me over the edge though is that she tried to convince me to sneak off with her, so I could meet her pimp. The same pimp that she said pulled a gun on her. Then she started to verbally abuse me. She said "for someone with such a high IQ, you act stupid." Was I right to walk away from that friendship even though her stepdad died recently?

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