So This Manwhore....


Two Saturdays ago in the middle of my dinner break at work, I received a Facebook message from a girl, my age, that has been dating my boyfriend of three months for a FULL YEAR. She was messaging me to ask if he had broken things off with me because he told her about me recently and said that he would break things off with me. I had no idea that my boyfriend was seeing someone else and I had seen him the day before receiving this message so obviously he wasn't breaking things off with me or her anytime soon. I even found out that the weekend before when he said he was going to NYC to see some friends of his, he actually was spending the weekend with her.

So now this girl and I are friends and this fucktard of a boyfriend that we both had no longer has either of us to fuck around with. The Wednesday after I learned all this info about my boyfriend I showed up at his apartment wearing this:

Just so he could see what he's missing and gave him back his sweatshirt then turned on my heels and left 😂.