

My husband and I have been ttc for about 3 years now. But we found out in November that we have a 1 in a million chance to conceive. :(

We were both heartbroken, but we had been talking even before that news, about possibly turning to adoption.

We are both happy with adopting, but there are a few things that still depress me about not 'having' the baby. I had already been planning cute ways of telling my husband we were pregnant. And I wanted to be able to see the cute little ultrasound pictures...

We're hoping to adopt thru foster care (mostly because we know we can't afford to adopt thru an agency) so it is very likely that we will not be blessed with a little one right from the hospital.

I am trying to stay positive, so I was wondering... is there anyone who has adopted, either thru foster care, or an agency?

Did you do expecting pictures/announcements?

I would love pictures of what you've done!! :)