My natural water birth

Let me start by saying I'm a postpartum nurse, but seeing all the interventions that occur in the hospital setting drove me to wanting a more natural experience. I had a low risk pregnancy and was a good candidate for delivering at a birth center. Hospital deliveries definitely are a God-send for those that do need interventions and many lives have been saved because of them.

I was 41 weeks along and googling every possible way to naturally induce labor, however I really believed my body knew what it was doing and i didn't want to try to move things along before my baby and my body were ready. As hard as it was, I was right and at 41 weeks even I had my first contraction. Things started at 1am, but were very irregular and I was able to sleep in between contractions. Everything I read about labor was to ignore it for as long as possible. This really helped me get through the night!

I had my bloody show at 6am and that's when things got more intense. By 10 am my contractions were 6-7 mins apart. I couldn't imagine going through these for hours and hours on end, but I kept telling myself my body knew what it was doing and to trust it. By noon contractions were 5 mins apart and I felt nauseous with them. I got in the shower and my husband called the midwife. She encouraged us to come to the birth center, but warned it might be too early considering I am a first time laboring mom. On the way to the birth center contractions were 4 mins apart and very painful.

We checked in at 124pm and I cried when I saw the midwife. I think all the emotion of what was happening hit me at once. When she checked me I was only 3 cm dilated, but 100% effaced. She suggested we stay for observation for an hour to see if I would progress or if things were going to stall for a while. That's when things got really intense. I think my body knew I was in a safe place and I could progress. And did I! I went from 3cm to 10cm in 2 1/2 hours! I was in the tub for the last hour...that did help some with the pain, but nothing takes it away! I had the feeling I couldn't do it, but each time I had those thoughts I had to remind myself I could do it! My body started pushing without me having any control over it. It was the strangest feeling. 30 mins later my little girl was born. The moment the midwife said "take hold of your baby" my world changed. She was pink and breathing and perfect. I am so blessed. She is 12 days old now, and things aren't easy, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

For anyone who is low risk and is thinking about having a no intervention birth I would encourage you to research and do it! It's a mental game, and it was an incredible experience.

Good luck to all the soon to be new mamas out there❤️