The In-Law rant

Backstory: My love doesn't like eating when he's distracted. If someone starts talking to him he will stop eating and won't eat for the rest of the night.

So I've been at my In-Laws for sometime now and we all sit around the table and eat dinner together. I tell everyone try not to talk to the baby.

Well when my love starts babbling my father in law starts talking to him.

I first tell my father in law please don't talk to him

I then tell my love finish eating please.

My love proceeds to eat.

Once again my love starts saying Dada.

And again my father in law starts talking to him.

Like are you serious!!

I again tell him to stop!

Now my love stops eating and doesn't want to eat.

Also I can't stand when I'm trying to discipline my love and he starts trying to discipline him! Like I got this stop!!

Ahhh it's so irritating when someone is trying to talk to my love and my father in law jumps right in his face and talks to him.

Well I'm outro soon so I don't need the you should leave comments!! Just needed to rant.