14 hour labor to a sweet baby girl!

Kelsey • Happily married•Mommy to a sweet princess and 2 boys• One on the way•

As I've enjoyed reading so many birth stories on here, I can FINALLY share my own. It's long, I warn you, as I labored for 14 hours.

I attended my 39 week appointment at 11:00 a.m. on August 23, 2017. I'd been having contractions since midnight that were about 6 mins apart and lasting anywhere from 45-55 second. At said appointment, my doctor recommended induction Friday morning, August 25th due to the fact that she'd be out of town the next week. I agreed, but after checking me, she really didn't think I'd make it to Friday. I was at 3 cm and 60% effaced. She was oh, so right.

After returning home at 1, my contractions were still present. I picked up a few things around the house since we had a DEFINITE date and I noticed my contractions intensifying. I tried to lie down, and at around 4, I just couldn't continue to lie still, so I began walking around the house. Some of them stopped me from walking, but were not unbearable. I timed them for an hour, and they were 3 to 3 1/2 mins apart, lasting anywhere from 65 seconds to 90 seconds. My husband became concerned and insisted we go in because "we were NOT having this baby at home on this cloth couch". 😂

I'm glad I listened. When we arrived at the hospital at 6, which is remind you JUST 6 hours from my appt that morning where I was 3 cm 60% effaced, I was checked and I was at 3 1/2 cm 75% effaced. They admitted me and it all went down.

8:00 p.m: They checked me and I was 4 1/2 cm with steady contractions.

9:00 p.m: They checked again where I was a BIG 5, according to my doc.

10:00 p.m: I received my epidural. Turns out, it didn't take and at 10:45 p.m.,I received a redo epidural, which was Heaven sent!

11:00 p.m.: I was checked again, still at a big 5, so they decided to start Pitocen at 11:30 p.m.

12:00 a.m.: I was at 5 1/2 and had to receive a dose of phenergan due to becoming sick since I had not eaten since lunch, which was 12 hours earlier!

1:30 a.m: I was dilated to 6 and having pains on my right side where my epidural hadn't taken, so they rolled me over to move the meds to that side. It helped!

3:00 a.m: I dilated to and 8 and had to have an oxygen mask put on for mine and babies safety. Then my left side began having pains with the contractions, so they rolled me to that side, but the pains never subsided, becoming increasingly stronger.

4:30 a.m: I was at a 10 FINALLY and the nurses broke down the bed to prep me for pushing.

5:00 a.m: I began pushing in increments of 3. Deep breath and push for 10 seconds, deep breath and push for 10 seconds, deep breath and push for 10 seconds! Rest for about 30-60 seconds for another contraction to pick up.

6:15 a.m: The nurses sent for the doctor because babies head was right there. I pushed about 6 times for the doc, and my baby girl was born at 6:28 a.m. on August 24, 2017.

Harper weighed 6 lbs. 8 oz, and is 18.5 in. long. Mama had a second degree tear, but it is oh, so worth it to have my sweet girl in my arms!