Long curly hair car tips

I have long hair, but it's honestly the first time I've had long hair since I was 11 and I'm 21

I had an eating disorder and it caused my hair to fall out and not grow for years.

My body healed, and hair grew out of my head like there was no tomorrow and it's to my hips now when it's straight. So bam I just have long hair out of nowhere and I don't know how to do long hair. When I let it air dry, it's really curly but it's such a tight/kinky curl that it just looks fuzzy like not even frizzy like it's fuzz but it has volume. If I blow dry it straight with a brush and use a straightener it's smooth but it's so flat I look like Jesus or something. And I also don't know how tf to get the hard to reach places I just try my best and then someone points out the random strand of curly hair. I keep getting told my hair looks dead and damaged and not taken care of but it's healthy new hair. I don't know why it would even be damaged.

If your hair is like this, 1. What products do you use to tame your curls and avoid fuzz and frizz and 2. How to add volume to your hair when it's straight? This picture below of what my hair looks like when it's natural, but worse and has knots that I can't even brush out until I get in the shower and dump conditioner on my hair

Oh and I also have baby hairs in the front of my hair that stick up no matter what I do so Im actually a unicorn