Father figure.☺️


I don't really have anyone to gush to about this so I decided to share it in here.💓 about 6 months ago my sons dad left the state because things got bad between us. This didn't really affect me as much as it did my son.😕 He was only 18 months when he left but my parents & I started noticing how he clung to male family members like he was never going to see them again. And every time I asked if he wanted to call dad he'd get this huge smile in his face when the phone was ringing. Half the time Alex (dad) wouldn't pick up & my son would cry, which only made me cry with him.

Anyways, here's the happy part. About 4 months ago I fell in love with someone I used to have a huge crush on in high school. He's the most amazing person I've ever met.. after a few weeks I decided to let him meet my son. They instantly fell in love with each other. I couldn't believe how fast Chad warmed up to my baby boy. He plays with him every second he's here, he always texts me to ask how he is & he comforts him when he cries. I'm so lucky someone out there has the balls to do what another man can't.

--that last picture I took when chad was in mid-blink 😂😂 still cute though.