do u still sleep with a teddy bear

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Only because I got really sick a few months ago and my boyfriend bought this for me when I needed a cuddle buddy and he couldn't be there to make me feel better. Now every night he asks me if I have "Spots" and tells me he's sending his love through him. So yes, I sleep with a dog. Because my boyfriend gave him to me.


Jessica 💍👑🍂💕 • Aug 25, 2017


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I used to a few months ago but I have cats now so I sleep with them instead


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my husband and when he is out of town i grab a stuffed animal or my 4 year old climbs into my bed with his mommy.


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Yup , my boyfriend got me one , one day with some coffee and chocolate. Also I have a unicorn 🦄 and the teddy he got me for Valentine's Day ! I also have a favorite blanket.


Jessica 💍👑🍂💕 • Aug 25, 2017
That is cute 😊


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no it sits on a shelf in my room though. and whenever I travel he comes with me. it's also a beanie baby cat named Nip. we share the same birthday and I've had him 21 years now. this toy has gone all over the world with me. Bahrain, England, California, Georgia, Bahamas to name a few.


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Yes my boyfriend got me a hello kitty plush and I spray cologne he wears on it


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Yes I've had mine all my life. I can't sleep without it