Strep b test


Just had usual midwife app at 35 weeks. She's booked me in for my next one in 3 weeks ( I thought it would be now that appointments are every 2 weeks or weeks?)

I googled what to expect at my app last night and it mentioned I would be tested for strep b between 35 weeks and 37 weeks.

I wasn't tested at this appointment. And since my next app isn't til 38 weeks now should I be concerned?

I asked for a form for the baby box and was reprimanded like a child for losing my previous one.... I understand they are in short supply but I didn't lose it on purpose and I did say I don't need one but if you have a spare?

I had to move midwife a few weeks ago and this is my 2nd app with her and every time I leave I feel like bursting into tears.

I didn't want to question why I wasn't getting the test and be made to feel like I had when I asked for the baby box form again.

Husband has said to phone the practice and ask but I really don't want to make a fuss and I feel like I am. I'm now having a cry cos I feel like I'm over reacting. Which I probably am. I'll blame hormones. I don't want to question the professional but at the same time I need to care for my baby as well. What would you ladies do? Has anyone had the test at 38 weeks? Is google just being over precautions?