i dont know *trigger warning *

im a ftm with a 9 month old. my problem is i dont trust my in laws with my child. they will give hints about leaving her with them but the thought of it makes my stomache turn. we have only left my daughter 3 times with my mom each time about an hour or so. all times dd was asleep. also my parents live with us so its easier to leave her with them. the issue is i dont trust anyone really with my daughter my reason is*trigger warning* when i was little i was touched inappropriately by an older cousin. he did many things to me which i have blocked out most but this went on for many years until i was about 8 *trigger over* my husband understands and respects it but his family. gets mad about us not leaving her. i told my dh im not ready yet im too nervous im scared that what happened to me will happen to her. i told my family and dhs family that we will not make her hug or kiss anyone. they got mad about that. i feel like i should tell them why i dont feel comfortable with then watching her but its hard for me to talk about it. i dont know what to do!!