thoughts? updated


I'm new to checking my cervix, I do it twice a day once in morning once at night so I can get used to what I'm feeling for. I checked it yesterday morning and it was low and firm, then last night it was high and soft, I couldn't tell if it was open or closed because I could barley feel my cervix as it was. the cm was white, and my walls feel tighter than usual, I already ovulated about 3-4 days ago, when I could feel my cervix high and open with egg white discharge. I've been trying to concieve for awhile now, not sure if anyone else has had this happen and can tell me how it came out for them? I know it's way too early to test but hoping for the best. this morning it is high firm and closed, with creamy/water cm and bloated. I'm on day 17 of a 27 day cycle.