my miserable life

Hey, I'm 20 years old and I have a father who doesn't care about my existence and a mother who can't be responsible for anything even her 3 kids. my father was a criminal he used to kill and rob... my mother was a victim of abuse from my father. when I became 7 years old he got in jail and stayed there for 12 years, and also my brother was born then it was the year 2004 and my mother went to Greece to work and live there, she left us with her parents because my dad's parents ware Kildare when he was 5 and he got adopted by a man and he was taking care of him anyway... we ware living with my grandparents and it was difficult because they weren't working and I didn't had clothes and shoes my mother was sending money but they weren't enough. when my brother become 6 almost my mother came with a man, her boyfriend so we got back to Greece all together, anyway I don't want to talk about her boyfriends she had like 7... my point is that I was under stress from a very young age and I hated it is never said anything about it but when we got bigger when I was at the age of 15 I had a bad experience.. I got pregnant and I didn't want I'd because I knew that my kid is going to be miserable just like I was. I didn the abortion and was careful not to do it again but I couldn't do it at all because she locked me in and I wasn't allowed to go anywhere except school and be home by 15 min ore else she would hit me. and as expected I was doing stupid shit like smoke and when she found out she hited me again and it wasn't like spanking it was hitting with all the strength she had and I never said anything to anyone I was a good kid but I couldn't learn someī objectives and she was hitting me then too , it continued about 4 years then stopped for some time because she got sick and got in the hospital , she had cancer and she removed a part of her breast I used to help her recover from it and used to make her massage therapy every da almost then I got out with my school friends again but I wasn't okay it was hurting me but I didn't knew what, I wanted to kill myself, I didn't wanted to live anymore and the things now are way more worse than they ware before she started hitting me because I couldn't get up for school and taking my stuff because she thought I couldn't sleep because of it and my hair started falling off in pieces she got me thinking dermatologist and he said it was from stress and my mother just asked me why I was stressed she never an professional to look at my condition because iiffy I ever told anyone she was gonna go in jail and they would take me and my brother away from her. and now we had a conversation with her and it didn't go well it's not the first time she is kicking me out but now it's official she doesn't want me to live there anymore and nether do I and the worst is that she even asked me when I'm going to move so that check can plan her things and it hurt education me so muh. that is got up and got to my room and started crying. .. this is why I wrote it.. because I needed to share it and i need advice