
So my husband and I are in a bit of a tough spot, mainly because of me. I have always been insecure about myself, the things I do and say, the way I look, and others view of me. I'm in my 30s now, but ever since high school, I've never been satisfied with the way I look. I gained weight in college, and my parents tried to encourage me to get healthy but they just made me feel worse. However I did end up getting more active. At that point I felt that the way I looked needed to be validated, like what I saw in the mirror could not be what others saw. It ended up making me go from extreme highs to extreme lows. The only thing that made me really feel better was shopping and food. Once I met my now husband I really got a lot better with the way I saw myself. He was all the validation I needed. After we had our daughter I ended up gaining weight again. I knew I needed to do something to get healthy again, but in come the parents to negatively push the idea... I tried to no avail until my husband decided that he would work out too. I thought that it would help motivate me, and it did to a point. Now all he can talk about is how much he is losing and how great he feels. And here I am barely losing a pound a week.

So recently I went out to eat while, you guessed it, shopping with our daughter. We have been on a health kick lately and eating out was definitely not on the menu. Not to mention the fact that money was an it tight this month. I didn't tell him we went out, but when he came gone from work that day he confronted me about it. He said he didn't care, that he just wish I would have been honest about what we did that day. Not that I was purposely trying to hide it.

Now he has been giving me the silent treatment for two days now. I don't know what else to say or do...