

So my LO is 5 days old & I know newborns sleep most of the time. This is my second baby but first time breastfeeding. My first one was in the n.i.c.u so she got nipple confusion so I couldn't breastfeed. This time my son was full term. When he latches, he latches like a pro. My problem is I CANNOT get him to wake up for feedings. If i change his diaper he will but as soon as he latches with in 5 mins he's out and i cannot get him to wakeup. Its really frustrating. I tried having him feed in a diaper, stroking his face, gently blowing on him. Shaking his hand, tickling his feet. NOTHING. Im getting worried maybe something is wrong. Tonight he fed on the right breast for 18 mins. Im supposed to be switching breasts. My oldest is 9 so im basically a new mom again. Is this normal for newborns. The pediatrician said every 3 hours during the day, 4 hours at night.