Annoying things


Things that annoy me now that my baby is a month old..... 🖕🏻😡

-"is she a good baby?" Is she always easy? No. Would I ever call her a bad baby?? He'll no.

-"she's held too much, she needs to learn to settle on her own". And you need to stfu tyvm. I WILL MEVER REGRET PICKING UP MY CHILD.

- people coming over 😖. Ugh just stay away and like fb pics from afar like normal people.

- pink clothes (seriously have a whole other post about the annoyance of all pick clothes now which I used to adore!!

-children. (Grubby fingers, drippy noses and no awareness of personal space. 🤢)

- visitors who use my bobby pillows as pillows. MOVE YOUR DUSTY ASS OFF MY SACRED BOBBY!!

- "IIIIII wouldn't do __(enter some parenting decision I'm making here)____ ". Usually from my mil with emphasis on the I 🙄.

- " at least we know she's not the milkmans" or some other deviation that implies that I could have cheated. Ha..... ha....ha.... NOT FUNNY

- not handing my baby back when she cries.

-giving her a paci when im not aware. My brothers mom gave her a paci that was on the kitchen counter when I wasn't looking. I had put it there because it fell on the floor.

-"go sleep!" I get that this comes from the best of places but I've found that sleeping isn't the hardest thing for me I can take naps with her. When someone is watching her is when I use that time to get dishes/laundry/bottles/ dinner/ done. Unless I sleep and you do my chores for me?? No?

Did I miss any???

- *KAY & FAYE ( I'll show you how trivial I can be)