It happens when you think it wont

Okay so this literally happened like 10 hours ago ... so basically its the whole college student meets other college student at college party and decides they like each other so they hookup... anyway i should tell you guys that i am totally a submissive person and i love being dominated and all of that bdsm stuff and from what i could tell the guy was a dominate hardcore "hurt her for my pleasure" type of guy... anyway so we decide to have sex and within 10 minutes he came ... thats not the worse part bc i dont care about that but i was surprised so he said lets do it again ... during this second act i memorized a list of everything he wanted me to do/wanted to do to me:

1 cum constantly

2 squirt even though im not a squirter

3 grab and scratch at my body

4 Scratch and claw and chew at my boobs

5 scream his name at the top of my lungs even though people in the dorm would totally hear us

6 fuck him as hard as i can even though i was trying my best

7 fuck me without a condom

8 cum in me even though i told him i wasn't on birth control

9 suck his soft plastic tasting dick (plastic bc of previous condoms

10 choke me until i literally cannot even breath

Anyway so yeah he did everything i listed to me and he loved hearing that i was in pain this is a conversation we had

“Please stop youre hurting me”

“Yeah you like that huh?”

“No i really dont”

“Well fucking like it”

he would pull my hair so hard that my neck was literally cocked backwards so hard and every time i didn't fuck him hard enough he would grab my nipple and squeezed them so hard i wasn't even pleasurable anymore it hurt so bad i screamed out in pain... i would say im sorry im sorry and he would respond with "dont say sorry do better"... i started to tear up only a little bc i realized that i cant really say no ... he liked when i would cry and when i scream out his name in horror and when i did defy him he pushed my face and body so hard against a wall i could have KO'd and he said "oh you like being fucked hard dont you" and guys its not even that its that fact that it lasted 2 and a half hours im okay with what he was doing but after 30 minutes of it you get kinda tired of it and i wanted him to stope i said "please stop fucking me" but he said "im not stopping until i cum, how many times you cum" ... i was so done with it after 30 minutes ... i asked him to put a condom on and he said "no imma fuck you how i want to" and i pleaded with him to not cum inside of me and he kept responding with "i will i will" and at the last minute he laughed and said "no i wont" and after that he asked me if i was on birth control and when i told him i wasnt his response was "even better" this was while he was fucking me without a condom... i cant do anything about it really i just want my story out there

EDIT: 1. he didn't tell me he had a BDSM fetish before we started so we weren't able to come up with a a safe word

2. we were both drunk and i began to sober up and i wanted to stop about 30-45 minutes into it but he was obviously stronger than me and wouldn't let me leave

3. It took him 2 hours to fuck me bc he had whiskey dick and it wouldn't get hard again