Probable miscarriage- husband struggling with it more than me

Katy • FTM To beautiful boy

5 weeks pregnant for the first time and I was woke up at 4:30am today by bad cramping and the need to pee. Went to the bathroom and wiped away pinky red. Called doctor she said it could be implantation bleeding or miscarriage but only time would tell and to go in Monday for bloodwork if I thought it was a miscarriage. Takes forever to go back to bed because the pain from cramping is so bad. Woke up at 10am and the pad had nothing on it but when I wiped it was bright red. As the day has progressed it is becoming more and more like a period in heaviness. It is bright red but also very slimy almost like the egg white consistency discharge you get when you ovulate. I'm almost positive it is a miscarriage given the continued cramping and the fact that the blood flow is increasing. I am oddly ok. Sad but ok. We only knew for a week so I didn't have too much time to get attached and really process that it was really happening. I think I would be far more upset if I was 8-10 weeks along and the whole pregnancy had really sunk in. My husband on the other hand is holding out hope it is implantation bleeding and cramping. He refuses to believe its a miscarriage until the doctor says it is. I am not sure what to say to him since I see how much blood is coming out (sorry tmi) and I really can't see how it could be implantation. I know miscarriages are unfortunately common and it likely wasn't a viable pregnancy for any number of medical reasons which comforts me since I know it wasn't something I did and the baby wouldn't have been healthy had it come to term which is the most important thing to me. He just is really struggling with it happening and I am at a loss of how to comfort him. Pregnancy and miscarriage are both foreign territory to both of us so I am just kinda numb to it all right now. Is that even normal?