One way love


I've had a liking for one of my friends since the first day we met This has been 4 years now. I was his only friend when he joined my school (we've finished school now and starting college) and I grew attached to him a bit seen as we spent quite a bit of time together. We still don't know eachother too well like you'd expect. Our friendship has been drifting apart and I still feel as if I like him. I get this feeling when he replies to me that I don't get with other boys. But I just don't think he feels the same way towards me as I do. It makes me feel down when I think about it because I care for him a lot and look out for him but he doesn't notice. It's been more than a year that I've felt this way toward him so i don't think it's 'just a crush'. We message occasionally but it doesn't seem as if he is that bothered about me. I don't know what to do...