So happy!

TtcMommyof1 • Wife to a wonderful man ❤️. Mommy to an amazing 6 year old girl 💕. Due 11/8 with a baby boy after 37m ttc💙

Found out that I passed my dreaded 3 hour glucose test after failing the one hour this past week! Of the four blood draws, three were way below the required level, and one was 155 when it had to be 155 or lower.

I have a 3D/4d ultrasound to see my little guy tomorrow 😊

We had our baby shower and got so many awesome things, including our car seat, stroller, swing, and this Rolls Royce of pack and plays!

Now if only I could get this nursery done....or even started 😂

Only 10 weeks to go 👏🏼

Hope you guys had a great week too!!