Laboring for Three Days

My contraction started around 9pm Monday night. Within two hours they were 2-4 minutes apart. All of my contractions were in my back so it was incredibly uncomfortable. Went to L&D and i was only 1.5cm dilated. They had me walk for an hour, rechecked me and had no change, so they sent me home around 2am. All night I continued with contractions 3-5 minutes apart getting consistently stronger. I called back around 6 and they told me to come back in and get checked again. I was only 2cm at this time though consistently contracting. Sent me home again around 10am. At this point I was defeated and unsure about when I should actually go back to the hospital. Contractions continued at the same interval and same intensity all day and all night. I couldn't sleep, couldn't get comfortable. Finally Wednesday morning I called my OB hoping they'd have me come into the office and check me there, but they instead told me
To head to the hospital. On the way there my husband got pulled over for speeding, and the cop insisted on calling an ambulance to take me even though we were only 10 minutes away. Finally get to the hospital around 10am and when they checked me I was finally 3.5! I was so happy I could've cried. I was to the point I was going to demand they keep me and induce me anyway. I had went 37 hours with painful back contractions never slowing to more than 6 minutes apart. Once there I was dilated to 7cm by noon though things slowed down from there. Finally around 10pm I was fully dilated and started pushing. After almost an hour of pushing they were noticing her Heart rate was dropping and then rising much higher, and she was coming out face up which explained why I was having such bad back labor.  They decided to use the vacuum to help her out. At 1107pm on Wednesday August 23rd my baby girl was born! It was such a long uncomfortable journey but I wouldn't change it for the world. 38 hours of latent labor and then 12 hours of active labor to finally get this beautiful little peanut out!