Rayden James birth story


Rayden James birth story. 

On August 27, 2017 I woke up around 8am with contractions that had only gotten worse since the night prior. I looked at Raymond and told him, I’m going into labor & delivery today. We got ready and made sure we had our hospital bag in the car with the car seat. We left the house and got to the hospital about 10am and were immediately put into a room and hooked up to monitors. No one came in to see me until 12pm at which point they told me my contractions were regular and consistent enough but that it was all about my cervix. They checked my cervix and was only just barley a 4 so they told me to walk until 2. We walked for an hour before the pain was just too much. I went back to my room and labored in my room. I was checked again at 2 at which point I was told I hadn’t made it to a 5 yet (which is where they want you to be for admission) they gave me another hour to wait it out. Finally at 3:15 I had progressed to a 5 and was admitted and transferred to the room I’d be delivering my son. By the time we reached my room my contractions had become so intense my body started to shake uncontrollably and I was dilated to a 6. I received my epidural at 4:30 and my water was ruptured by the RN at 5pm. Soon after the epidural my body was much more relaxed and I wasn’t in near as much pain and I won’t regret for a moment getting it. 

6pm comes around and I start to feel a lot of pressure. 

6:30 I was checked and had gone from 6cm to 9 and baby was very low and ready to come. 

For what seemed like forever we had to keep waiting on my doctor and I was screaming in pain saying my baby was coming. 

7pm my doctor made it to the room and we started to push in the midist of pushing I started screaming for someone to give me water cause I was dehydrated and felt like a dried out fruit in the desert. 

7:33 my handsome man was born