Help worrying periods !!!!!


So where to start!

Me and my partner have decided to try for another baby I have a little boy who is 6

But the last 4 or 5 periods they have been so light and painful it's like I can put a tampon in when taking it out it's a tiny amount on the end so I will put a pad on all night and when I wake up it's nothing much there but when I wipe it looks. A lot more on tissue but seems to only be there when I wipe it's like a blockage or something

When I researched what's the reason for such a drastic change it said about Ashermans syndrome I think that's what it was called and as I have had 2 D&Cs; due to misscarage I am so worried and at a low point I have made an appointment with my doctor but I'm also wondering if it's my weight gain as I have at least put on 5 stone since having my son I'm just reallly worried and can't stop thinking about it don't know how I would cope being told I'm infertile 😔