👶🏻Birth story-Went so fast! 3rd baby💗


So Monday August 21st (39 weeks and 4 days) I got up to pee at 5:00am. Went back to bed and woke up to my water breaking while I was sleeping a hour later. I was a little confused if I had peed myself or if it was actually my water. It didn't smell like pee and I never peed that much by accident. I got up and went to check in the bathroom. It was a clear fluid. I was about to lay back down and my husband was like you better call the dr before you do anything else. So I called the dr and he said to go to the triage at the hospital. We got up and made breakfast for our other two girls and I took a quick shower. My contractions were starting and progressing fast. By the time it was 8:00 my contractions were painful and I was barely able to talk or move. My mom was on her way to watch our girls so we could head to the hospital. My husband had to wheel me into the hospital in a wheelchair because my contractions were now about 5 mins or less apart. We got to the triage finally and I got undressed and the nurse checked me. I said how dilated am I? She said well the baby is very low and they're pretty much shaking my hand. Lol They transferred me to labor and delivery ASAP. By the time I got into my room they were still admitting me and putting on my bracelets and the IV. So that was about 9:30. I asked about my epidural and they told me it was probably too late and the baby was coming very soon. I was in panic and asked about anything else they could possibly give me. They said nothing can be given at this point. So about 2-3 pushes later I had my solar eclipse baby at 9:56am. My third girl Gabriella was born weighing 7lbs and .05oz and 19.25in long. It was unreal to do it without meds but it's amazing what your body does. Everything went well other than I had a retained placenta. Only part of it came out. The midwife had to reach inside me and basically try to pull and fish out the placenta that was stuck. That was not pleasant at all! I was screaming and it was like another birth maybe even a little worse. She had to push on my stomach as she kept reaching in to try to remove the placenta. I had to have a D&C; procedure done to remove the rest of it. The procedure itself was not too bad. I didn't feel anything during but you are awake. I'd do it all over again though for my baby. She's definitely worth it.