No more OPK-s

Lili • Married to the man of my dreams 💍 mommy of a sweet little baby boy 💎💙

So we have been TTC for 2 months and last month i got a little crazy

I was taking OPK-s like a maniac and never got a sure positive but i think i just missed my window

So in the tww i was totally sure it was our month

I had all the symptoms, plus had that "feeling" that i was definitely pregos

I got a vvvvvvfl on a test 3days before AF was due

Tested again in two days- expecting a BFP

But got a negativr and af showed up like clockwork

My fiancé made me promise to forget the OPK-s and just go with the flow

Maybe it is gonna be better if i relax a bit

And i mean we BD every other day during the whole month so can't really miss it

What do you girls think?

Is it a good idea to stop thinking about it too much? I'm driving myself crazy