I have no clue what's going on...

Jade • Happily married with our first on the way! :)

So everyday since ovulation I have kinda felt sick on and off. But I'm only 3DPO... So I don't know what is going on here... I know I'm not sick though... Me and my fiance had unprotected sex all throughout me being fertile and when I was ovulating... I know you don't get pregnancy symptoms this early though... This just hasn't happened before so I'm trying to find out what this is. Like could it be my body giving me a heads up? Granted it could be from an earlier time. I have no idea? I have read that there's a hormone the fertilized egg gives off that I could possibly be sensitive to? Has anyone else experienced this or anything? It's just really weird to me. Also mild cramping, hot flashes/chills on and off, and mouth will get super dry and then super wet I guess you could say lol.