I'm just letting it all out

Karina • Kenzley Rasha 👩‍👧♥️ Anencephaly awareness 👼🏻💚

So I have a boyfriend who has a 3yr old son, who he didn't know was his son till last October. I myself have a daughter who's 1. I personally take very good care of my daughter since her father has barely ever been around. That's a whole different story. Anyways my boyfriend was allowed to get his son Sunday night till Tuesday night... now his sons mother decided that he can have him for 5 days straight !! Which leaves her with just 2 day 😑 what kind of mother is that. Mind u she doesn't work she has another son who's 5 I believe, she doesn't do a damn thing as for being a parent. She's always asking for money , my boyfriends son is still in diapers they BOTH make no effort to potty train. Then when I put my two sense in my boyfriend gets mad.... She swears everything is on her time and what now. So I've been getting annoyed cause we just don't even spend alone time like that anymore.. my daughter every so often goes with her grandma (fathers side) because I refuse to be selfish and not let them see her... and to make things worst my boyfriends son is a pain in the ass sometimes... no manners , they're not practicing on his speech so I never understand him. He sees us kissing and he'll get in between. 😒 sometimes it's just plain annoying . My boyfriend wants to have a baby with me and we been trying but no luck . Idk why but I just had to vent ... comments are welcomed I don't care