


I'm 14dpo and I just feel like this isn't going to be my month 😩😩 I've been ttc for 8 months. I feel like giving up because I get my hopes up every month

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Don't give up! Praying for you! Besides, trying is so much fun! Try not to pressure yourselves 🙂


Nikki • Aug 28, 2017
It was my first month using opk and I ovulated earlier then I thought. I started using them cycle day 10 and got a positive smiley on cycle day 12 so I stopped using them after that. I don't know what more to try now. I will do 😊


Kelsey • Aug 28, 2017
My first was a total surprise in a bad situation and now my husband and I are trying. This is month one and we are keeping track of everything and doing ovulation tests daily! Everyone thinks I'm nuts! Do what's best for you and your family! Keep me updated when it happens!!


Nikki • Aug 28, 2017
Thank you!! I'm trying my hardest not to give up just feel like it's not going to happen or I'm doing something wrong. I didn't want to take a test until my missed af but I thought I'd know if I was pregnant or not on 14dpo


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I know the feeling , but don't give up ! We will receive our bundle of joy 👶🏽🙌🏾


Nikki • Aug 28, 2017
I feel like I'm doing something wrong and it's just not going to happen. Every little symptom I get I overthink it too much but I didn't want to take test until my missed period but I felt like taking one because I thought 14dpo would give me my answer


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There is a shift on the planet for us most of the post show the same