Sex life decrease bc of SO?

Pamela • Son Patrick 3/6/06. Chemical pregnancy 11/2016. Baby girl/boy twins Liliana and Alexander 11/7/17

Has your sex life with your partner decreased during your multiple pregnancy? Please vote and comment explaining.

My husband and I have always been very sexual from early on in our relationship until trying to conceive. We had months of difficulty trying to conceive and it became more like a job.

Once we got a BFP it became more active until we found out we were having twins and also advised not to have sex however I tried to make sure that he was "taken care of." 😉

Due to a sub chorionic hemorrhage and placenta previa there has been many times that we were not allowed to have sex but whenever we were allowed again, we would.

I just entered my 3rd trimester and still able too but he's afraid of hurting me or causing preterm labor though I say we are fine the dr tells us otherwise. This morning was wonderful but then he was worried all after. Especially since he sees how difficult every day things have been for me.

My theory is to be as intimate with each other now before we aren't able to and also before our family grows by two. Thoughts?

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