Best teething ideas?

♡ 𝓚𝓪𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓪 𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓲𝓼𝓮 ♡

My baby boy is 7 months old and 3 days ago his bottom tooth has pierced through his gum! It's the first sign of any teeth showing.

His teething though has got worse! Luckily in advance I've got the granules, calpol and bonjela ! He also has frozen teething rings and the giraffe teething toy.

Sometimes though all of that isn't enough and he still cries

Is there anything else I can try ?!

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Babyganics teething gel pods. Works so well


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if he takes a binky, you can actually fill it with water or breast milk (if you gave enough extra) just put water in a bowl, submerge the binky and squeeze to fill it, then freeze. some babies also like a cold washcloth, either just cold water or frozen wet. offer lots of different textures. sometimes my daughter likes her rubbery blocks, other times she prefers something harder like those textured linky rings. it's a lot of trial and error finding what he'll like best. hang in there! my daughter got her bottom 2 around 5 months and she's cutting her fangs now. you would think they'd be easier since they're pointy and sharp but judging by her emotions they're much MUCH worse. I just remind her (and myself) that it won't last forever and those teeth will be so cute and useful.


Aly • Aug 30, 2017
oh and I swear by Tylenol. I haven't tried anything else but I guess that's just bc the Tylenol works so well for us.