Question about my period, tmi.


I usually get pms about a week before my period (normal stuff.. cramps, moody, hungry, bloated, etc.) which I know is normal, but in June I had pms for 2 weeks. Which was weird and my period was early which is very rare. A couple big things were I literally slept every second I could and my boobs were very sore (on the inside usually it's only my nipples that get sore) and my nipples were swollen. I had a really weird period (brown discharge for a day, some light spotting for 2 days on and off, and then I had horrible pain for 2 days while I was bleeding very heavy.) Heavy is normal for me like 1 super tampon every 2-3 hours. But this was 1 super every 1-2 hours, Closer to an hour, And it was to the point of where it leaks. It was also longer than usual. I have 3-4 days of bleeding and this one was 7 days. My last period was weird too. Started 3 days late and it was just spotting for a day and then heavy-ish for 2 days and then 4 days spotting on and off. ever since the one before june ive been having weird symptoms before my period like nausea and vomiting (every once in a while), very frequent urination, way more moody. I just want to know why these came up out of nowhere?? Does your period change like that? Should I be worried? I don't believe it's pregnancy.