relationship struggle

Ok so my bf and I have been dating for 2 years and 2 months. I know him inside out and I know when he is not okay. Now he's been a bit weird lately and doesn't call me or text me anymore. He does that when he's in a phase and can't think straight. He's not calling like he use to and he doesn't sound the same on the phone. We went out to eat Saturday but it felt awkward cuz I knew our relationship was not okay and he wasn't talking much about it. So over dinner we talked about how it's being weird and well...we had a deep conversation about if he break up one day it happens and that's it. Now that's when I knew he wasn't okay. Usually he will cry and say he doesn't want to loose me. But the way his tone was and wouldn't look me in the eye and casually said it without a problem. I knew he was in his phase cuz usually when he's in that phase he doesn't give a fuck about anything anymore and it usually lasts a couple of weeks then he can't hold it anymore and bursts out to tears opening up to me. But this time I feel different, like I really just don't know what to do anymore cuz I'm starting to get a bit tired of it but I love him a lot idk it's confusing. We recently had a convo of taking a break until he clears his mind. I suggested it and he said ok fine but kept trying to change the topic and wouldn't hear me out (he's stubborn on his lil phase) so I said fine a break it is....but walking back to work after break....I felt my heart ache for a lil....(we work in the same place) but I feel like he doesn't care idk this time just feels a bit weird...I want to give him space but at the same time I want to give up......any suggestions of what I should do?