Baby boy is here! Long birth story.


So let me start out by saying that I wanted more than anything to go into labor by myself. I was induced with both of my daughters and never got to experience going into labor. So once I got to 37 weeks I tried everything but castor oil to get things started. My doctor did a sweep at 37 weeks and at 38 weeks. At my 39 week appointment I was a 3 1/2 and only 50 percent dialated. I had my induction scheduled for Wednesday the 30th so I just resigned myself that that was when he would come. On Friday the 25th I went to work like normal. Around noon my mom called me and told me she couldn't make it to the birth becuase of Hurricane Harvey and I got super emotional about it, felt like crying all day which is so weird for me and I kinda knew she wasn't going to make it. This was a big sign for me. At 430 I stand up to grab my stuff to go home and feel two huge gushes. This is it, my water broke! I get to the parking lot and it's gushing now. I call my husband and he meets me at our house. He has our daughters all ready with their overnight bags and we drop them off at our friends house. We get to the hospital at 5 :30 PM and the nurse checks me. She's like yes your water broke (it's still gushing out at this point). We get to our room and I'm still a 3 1/2 and not contracting. They decide to wait and hour and see if I dialate on my own since I tested GBS positive I needed to get the antibiotics. I get my IV (they have to put it in my hand ouch!). An hour goes by and I'm not making any so progress so they start the devil drug aka Pitocin. There goes my med free birth. out the window. They start it out slow and I'm doing ok until I get to about a 6 1/2. They check me and one nurse says I think she is complete! So I get all excited becuase at this point I'm doing all I can to get through these contractions. I'm shivering like crazy is which they tell me is normal. Another nurse checks and she's like nope she's still at 6 1/2. At this point I'm done I cave for the epi. the anestologist comes in and they position me on the bed. He gives me the numbing shit which hurts like a bitch but then he just starts doing the epidural, he doesn't wait for me to get numb!! I start screaming my head off it hurts so bad, I can feel everything he is doing and it's excruciating. He starts telling me not to move and to hunch over but there's a needle in my back and I can feel it! Both of my nurses are holding my hands talking to me trying to keep me still and calm. He finally finishes and leaves the room. I'm shaking still and still crying. It was so traumatic. My husband looks like he wants to punch the guy and thow up at the same time. He said he has never heard me scream like that. The epidural worked and I got to a 10 finally and pushed for about an hour. I didn't get my doctor I had an on call OB which I didn't mind. My beautiful little boy was born at 6:06 in the morning on 8/26 weighing 8 lbs 7 oz and 21 3/4 inches long. He is perfect and worth every ounce of the wait and pain.