Heartbroken and confused


So I'm 12 weeks 5 days today (Monday). This is a baby we tried very very very hard to have. So Saturday about 2pm I had sort of 'bleeding' kinda looked like old blood (brownish). A little while later it turned light pink and had light cramping. I called my ob office immediately after. It was Saturday so I had to leave a message and wait for the doctor on call to call me back he called me within 15 minutes or so. I told him everything that was going on and he got a brief history. His advice was to take it easy and wait until Monday (today) and make an office visit unless the blood became bright red with increased cramping. I thanked him and went about the rest of my day. I got up around 1am and I was cramping a little more, used the bathroom. Bright red blood. To the er we went. I was terrified. My blood pressure was extremely high. So they get me in a room and take bloodwork and later come in to give me a Rhogam shot. Which is for my blood type for those who don't know. I've had many of them in my life. We had to wait hours on ultrasound because they weren't there and they weren't allowed to call them in. I get to ultrasound and baby is fine. Moving around heartbeat 160. I'm even measuring ahead a little. They told me the bleeding bleeding was due to a subchorionic hemmorrhage. Along with low-lying turned placenta. By the time I got home it was around 10am Sunday morning. I took a nap and stayed in bed or laying on the couch the rest of the day because they wanted me on bedrest. So this morning (Monday) I called and made an appointment with my ob. Before my appointment I started bleeding again. Heavy. With blood clots the size of a golf ball. At my appointment they checked the baby's heartbeat on the hand held doppler and it was a strong hb. In the 160's. His advice was to go home and wait. That there was nothing they could do. And that I needed to pray. I don't really know if I've even got a question. I guess I'm looking for advice, encouragement, others with the same story. I'm so lost and confused and I'm trying to stay calm. But I'm losing my mind. Sorry for the long read.