

So let me just tell my story a bit, I'm 32 weeks pregnant and high risk due to my last son who is now ten months old coming prematurely and not breathing when he came. So I've been having issues since about 23 weeks and I've called and told my doctor everyone I've had an issue because we have to have doctors okay before going to hospital or they will send us home. Well the other night I know for a fact I was having labor pains, I was having contractions five minute apart I was throwing up and even got diarrhea and tried everything to help finally my mother in law came over and calmed me and after about two hours they calmed down and I was fine, but I called my on call nurse and she told me not to stress it that it's normal! And I got mad and started to yell because of course I'm upset because of my last son and she said if you start to feel labor pains again just take Tylenol 😳 and I kind of got even more upset because she is supposed to open my file and see I'm not even aloud to take Tylenol! And I asked if she could have me checked (my cervix) and she told me no that I can't demand that. And I'm honestly upset because I know my

Body! And have felt these premature labor pains before and know something is wrong and I want a midwife but when I tried to find a new doctor I was told I'm to far along to be seen by anyone else 😭 can someone help me around this?!? I do not want a doctor that does not take me seriously after all the loses I have had and my last premature labor, in high risk and get treated like

I'm stupid!