33 weeks pregnant with severe stomach pains


33 weeks and 2 days pregnant today and having severe stomach pains.

Sorry in advance if this ends up being TMI!

For about 3 weeks now I've been constipated with very irregular BMs despite feeling the need to go to the toilet. I tried stool softeners but didn't want to stay on them for too long. I also tried prune juice which also didn't help until I ate a bunch of apples with the prune juice. However, that was only a one time fix.

Currently I'm having severe stomach pains, not menstrual like cramps but pains that feel like I'm about to have a horrible case of diarrhea. I've gone to the toilet and waited a couple times to see if anything will happen but nothing. I have now resorted sitting in the bath but this also doesn't seem to be easing the pain. This has been going on now for about 2 and a half hours.

Anyone else ever had this? What helped? Is this something I should call my doctor for? I've tried reading online but most people say they're having menstrual pain and this most definitely doesn't feel like that.