Forced abortion=infertility?

So I got pregnant when I was 18 (2 years ago) with my current boyfriend. We were both very excited but when I told my mom and ex-step father, they were not happy. My ex-step father told me that I had to get an abortion or he would hurt me to the point of a miscarriage. I felt that I had no choice but to obey him. I did not tell my boyfriend because I knew it would break his heart (I did tell him after though). I got the abortion and was forced to get a Mirena IUD. My IUD stayed in for 3 months and then fell out for no reason. Now that I am older and live with my boyfriend instead of my parents, we are trying to get pregnant. We have been trying for over a year, but with no luck. I'm scared now that either the abortion or the misplaced IUD may have cause infertility. If anyone has had experience like this, or may have any answers they would be appreciated.