Sex with a side of face plant

My guy is a silent bang kinda guy

So we're Banging away and I musta did something right cause he moaaaneeed.

Scared the shit out out of me.

I was like

I face planted the bed as a result.

So he's all "ah baby are you ok you fell"

I told him to shut up and carry on hitting this thang and he moans again.

This time I'm prepared and I'm like


So hestops moaning and starts giving it a little chokey-kokey with his hands on my neck and I'm thinking yaaaaassss this boys gonna finish me off

And then bam

He moaned again. Threw me off guard . Face plant AGAIN ! And slip over on his love juice that completely missed me and landed on the floor.

There was no 'styling it out' at this point.

I'm just lucky he loves me 😄