Need advice really bad.

Lately and kind of talking to me slightly with an attitude. We are both women and I get that we have periods and get moody but....

she used to be really sweet and like I feel like things are just changing. I called her to see what she was doing and I had to repeat "what" three times because I couldn't hear her and she said "I FELL ASLEEP" with a major attitude behind it. I'm moving state to be with her and earlier I said "9 days left" and she said "I love you, and don't take this the wrong way.. im just so ready to not talk about it or deal with it anymore, I know you are to"

She used to be excited and say things like "3 more days!" When I'd come to visit. Now there is no excitement about it on her end anymore. I asked her if I've been annoying her lately and she said "it's not you" she says she isn't uninterested in me... but I don't get why she's being super rude to me constantly all the time.. when I've just been trying to be sweet..