Can Ultra Tech be Wrong !??

Yari ❤ • TTC For Baby #2 Have A Beautiful Lil Boy Hoping For a Beautiful Lil Girl(:

They told me I was going to have a girl at my 20 week scan . I made an appt this coming Saturday for a 3D/4D ultrasound (which I will be 28 weeks) but I'm kinda nervous they will tell me it's a boy lol cause I really want a girl . Has this happen to anyone ? In these pictures does it look like a girl ? I'm in disbelief and I'm worried the techs are wrong lol .

UPDATE: So I had the 3D/4D ultrasound yesterday instead of Saturday I just couldn't wait lol . But they did confirm it that it is a girl 😍💕💕

26 scan ^^

20 weeks scan