He texts other girls


My boyfriend is the sweetest and I know he loves and cares about me and I trust him so much. But he texts and snapchats like 4 other girls that he's been friends with (since before we started dating). Sometimes he even texts them in front of me, and by what I see I can tell his relationships with them are only friendly. The fact that he's not super secretive about it tells me it's probably nothing. He doesn't like sext them or anything flirty, they just send eachother memes and music and stuff. but should I be bothered by this? I want to tell him it kind of bothers me, but I don't want to seem super jealous and obsessive. I just don't see many other girls' boyfriends having this many girls as friends...like one or two i'd understand but he talks to a lot of girls. and i never see him texting or snapchatting his guy friends (which may just be normal for guys idk). Should I bring it up that it's been bothering me or just let it be?