I am 20 years old and a few months ago I started feeling really strange. I was insanely nauseous, fatigued, bloated, and a LOT hungrier than normal with cravings. After about 5 weeks of feeling weird, I had realized that it had been 7 weeks since my last period. Now, knowing that I have severe hormonal imbalances I thought that maybe it was just an abnormal period or even an ovarian cyst getting ready to rupture again. Well another 3 weeks passed and there was no change. I knew something was off and wondered if maybe I was pregnant so I called my doctor. They said it definitely seemed like pregnancy symptoms and to take a test. I voiced my concerns about the hormonal imbalance and he said it may affect the HPT. So he had me take one anyways and told me if it came back negative to go in for blood test to after another week. So I did. And the blood test came back negative as well. I told him that I really thought I was pregnant and that I wanted an ultrasound to check because something really wasn't right. His response was "if the blood test came back negative then you definitely aren't pregnant. Try eating a consistent diet and exercising regularly, it should help" so at that point I was wary but listened to his advice because I didn't know what else to do.

Well today I woke up and was bringing my sister to finish her back to school shopping and out of no where I started getting really bad cramps that made me feel nauseous. They were very sudden. I tried to push through it and finish her shopping, but ended up bringing her home so I could go and try to rest. Well it continued on and after a little bit there was really heavy bleeding so I ran to the bathroom. I called my doctor and asked what was going on because it certainly didn't feel like a period. He said to just hang in there and if it got any worse to call him again. I couldn't believe that again he didn't believe me. So I did as he said and waited it out. During one of the last really bad cramping it felt like I was passing a huge clump of uterine lining so I ran to the bathroom yet again. After looking and seeing a tiny still born baby I lost it. For the first time ever I called someone just so I could yell at them (being my doctor).

I feel so mad. So cheated. Ever since I was little I wanted nothing more than to have a child of my own. I told my doctor and begged him for an ultrasound because that is what my heart told me was going on and he didn't listen. Trust your body, it will know and understand what is going on a lot more than anyone else could ever know. If something feels off, speak up.