Why TTC Now?

Lindsay • Gwendolyn Eloise born 2.10.19 👶🏻🎀

Alrighty ladies, it's story time! For those who are TTC #1, what is your reason for trying to start a family now vs before? We all know there's no "perfect timing" for having a baby, but I'm just curious what made y'all decide that now is the right time!

For me:

I'm 28 years old and have been married since March 2016 - we knew we didn't want to have a baby the first year. I was also dealing with some serious Fibromyalgia symptoms and chronic fatigue. I've gotten help for those and am like 500% better than at this time last year! Now we've moved into a new house this summer, so we have more space. Our previous house had a fantastic spiral staircase going up to our loft bedroom, but there was NO WAY I was going to take a baby up and down those stairs! I know if I quit working we'll be a bit tight on cash, but I'll be able to continue part time after baby comes .

Baby Dust to all - I'm curious to hear all the stories!