So over this


My husband and I have been ttc for 4 months with no luck. I know it's not long but it feels like forever. I had the bariatric surgery in June 2016 after being told without it I could not carry to term and would constantly miscarry or have still born children. that thought terrified me so I started my weightloss journey. fast forward to January 2017...we were cleared to start ttc. We wanted to wait a few more months just in case. after I got 190 we decided we should try. So even though we have only been ttc for 4 months we have been on this journey for over a year now. I have sacrificed my old diet, sugar, sweets of any kind, social drinking, and going out to eat all to have a family. I am happy I did it but I am devastated every time someone shares tgey are pregnant. I do social work and cry when I see parents who did drugs during pregnancy and didn't try to get them back. My husband is so frustrated that others have kids and we don't and I feel guilty that i can't get pregnant. he says it doesn't matter if we can't have kids but I will hate myself we can't and am already starting to 😭