Open relationship while TTC

My boyfriend and I have an amazing relationship, we are head over heels in love and are trying for our first baby.

He recently opened up to me and expressed his desire for an open relationship. At first I was devastated, heartbroken and a lots of past feelings of betrayal arose. My previous relationship ended because my fiancé was cheating on me so you can understand my hesitation towards the idea. My boyfriend and I talked for hours, I asked lots of questions, we let go of all boundaries and were 100% honest with each other. After hearing his side of things, expressing my side of things and setting some very strict boundaries we agreed that it was something that we were willing to try. Since making this agreement our relationship has improved in ways I never thought possible, our sex life has skyrocketed and our outlook on our future together is incredible. I understand that for most people this would be a deal breaker, but for us it has brought us closer together. We are both very sexually adventurous people and being able to be open with each other about our desires is incredible. I am so proud that my boyfriend was able to be honest and open with me and we are able to continue our amazing life together.