Am i just crazy? New husband not wanting to support my emotional pain.

Hi. I just wanted to put myself out there in hope that some of you read this and give some support back and honest opinions. Please don't be afraid to call me out and point out what I may be doing wrong here. I'm 28 years old and have learned through this year's that if there is something and/or someone in my life that is letting me down or making me sad/disappointed..all I can do is change myself. Not others. And I'd really like some advice on how to change myself in this situation. Real quick husband and I just got married in March and bought a house in July. We have known and been together 3 years ..and on and off throughout the whole thing. We did pre marriage counseling last year and did everything to put effort into making us better. including him. Lately though, everything I say bothers him. He says I make this relationship harder. He says this when I act "needy" or complain about something in the house that needs fixing. i dunno just everything..everything he takes personal and gets offended. . ok my point to this is that lately I've been depressed and crying every night and he is getting upset at it me for crying. He calls me pathetic and to get over it. the fighting is just getting to me.. We even fought on my birthday last week and it ruined the whole day. He goes on with each day and tries to act normal.. but truth is, im in so much pain and it sucks cuz he does not want to help me thjroigh this pain. Am i being too much? do I need to learn not to go to him with every emotional pain?