She's here 👼🏻


After 20 hour difficult delivery she's here. Friday the 18 th got a fever went to the hospital right away got admitted! Kidney infection and baby's ❤️ 200. Meds helped both of us get comfortable. Had to get my water broken to only find out that from all this stress she pooped. So we wait only 2cm! Hours later find out she turned face up now they had to get inside and help her move back in place. Ok now back on track 19 hours later I am ready to push but my pain got so bad my body got used to the epidural and I needed more meds!

Ok pain gone pushing pushing all good well till the doctor told me sorry we need to vacuum her out now heart dropped drastically, vacuumed her head out NOW she won't come out and I thought I went through it all well babies shoulder got stuck in the pelvic bone and panic began she was not coming out!!!! I never pushed so hard and the tears in my husbands face I knew I couldn't give up!!!! She was out!! I didn't get to hold her right away she had to be checked out. A few bruises and scratches for her a few stitches for mommy and we are both fine! My angel 😇