5 weeks and counting


So I had a miscarriage legitimately a year ago. I'm about to go crazy because i wanna tell everyone, but I remember the last time I told everyone and then the pregnancy failed. My husband and I are worried this one will fail to so we don't wanna tell anyone until way later. But when's the perfect time to tell people your pregnant? I have a feeling this baby wants to stick around for the long haul. But just in case i set up an appointment with a company outside of my doctor that's cheap here in my city. I don't get to go in until week seven. Two weeks is so long anything can happen! Lost my last baby around week seven. So I'm very nervous about this whole thing. When should I tell the world? After I hear the babies heart beat? Or should I wait until October when the baby will be in its second trimester and safe from the miscarriage scares?