I need a rant 😂 sorry

Okay so there's this girl me and my partner know and she's a month behind me, I have her on most social media sites and all she does is cry for attention or copying of me

If the baby doesn't move she's straight to the hospital, if she has a weird pain she's straight to the hospital, I know if you worry go to the hospital but she's actually been told time and time again her baby is fine every thing that's happening is normal for her,

We are both having the same sex baby and I can't afford really expensive things most of my stuff are 2nd hand off family members or friends only thing I've paid for is the pram, I have a job but don't make much to buy fancy Moses baskets or cots, she on the other hand doesn't have a job but yet is affording all of this expensive things 😱 rubbing it in to people's faces and then when someone asks where she gets this money from she posts a ranting status, I really don't know how she does it tho she lives by her self doesn't really have many friends always finishing her partner every week, yet she can pay £700 pounds for a Moses basket,

She found out what am calling my baby and guess what she's calling him the same name then tho she was calling him something completely different and now shes trying out do me With things if I post something to do with being pregnant she'll post the same 🙄

I've started to have braxton hicks the last few weeks and I have this feeling my child will be here before his due date, and this girl is doing everything to try and push her pregnancy on just so she can have her baby before mine she isn't due till October that's almost 2 months away

Everything she's doing is annoying me now, I personally think it's because she had a thing for my partner just before we got together and she doesn't like it that we are happy and yet she's with someone she's been on and off with for years

Sorry for the rant shes doing my fucking head in now