CD23 bloodwork negative, 1 week later retested POSITIVE!!

LM • Pregnant with #1 due June 2018 🌱

I got my CD23 bloodwork done like my dr instructed even tho I knew I hadn't ovulated yet based on my own OPK tracking.

I didn't get my peak surge until CD24-25 and called back and asked to be retested. I got retested a week later and they just called me this morning to confirm my progesterone levels were at 13 and I ovulated!!!

LADIES SPEAK UP if you know something the doctors don't!!!

I actually have a chance this month for the 1st time in 8 months😭❤️ wish me luck! AF *not* due 9/5!!!

(This is my 1st cycle on clomid 50mg days 5-9)